Monday, October 7, 2013

Response From Sen. John Barrasso About the Shutdown.

Hey Wyoming,
Barrasso's response would be funny if it wasn't so sad, and such a big fat republican lie.
At one point, Johnny "TV" Barrasso says this- "...we simply cannot continue this reckless approach to governing." Yet he is one of the main instigators in the republican caucus in the senate that uses a reckless approach of lies, myth and misinformation sharing, fearmongering and attacking any and everything Obama wants to do, even if the repubs were for it before they were against it. All to appease the TeaBagger/racist scumbag wing of the republican party. Johnny's staff, whomever penned this screed, seems to be preparing their resume as a fiction writer. And the only people of Wyoming Johnny really cares about are the ones who can donate large sums to his next senate campaign 5 years from now. He has voted against almost everything for the elderly, poor, middle-class, sick, children, veterans, disabled and any other person who may be facing difficult times. This faux self-righteousness is the cornerstone of republican politics, as they fake upset over things they initially instigated. What a pathetic lot they are, and they all need their walking papers ASAP!

Here's Johnny "TV" Barrasso's letter for your viewing: 
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2013 9:28 AM
To: -------------------------------
Subject: Response From John Barrasso

Dear William,


Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the federal government shutdown.  It's good to hear from you.

As you know, the federal government is currently closed.  On three separate occasions I have voted in favor of funding the federal government in order to avoid a shutdown.  Unfortunately, passage of each bill was blocked.  With a national debt near $17 trillion and a government that is currently closed for business, we simply cannot continue this reckless approach to governing.  The American people deserve better.

I strongly believe the American people deserve a transparent, accountable government that works together to pursue responsible investment of tax dollars instead of reckless spending.  It is past time for Washington to end the political wrangling and conduct an honest, open debate about the challenges that we're facing as a nation. 

I do not believe that these problems are insurmountable.  We simply need Washington to refocus its attention not on the needs of any single political party, but on the needs of the American people. Please know that I will continue to fight to ensure that the people of Wyoming are heard as the debate about our nation's fiscal future continues.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me on this very important issue.

John Barrasso, M.D.                                                                         
United States Senator



"This country will not be a permanently good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in."
-Teddy Roosevelt- Chicago, IL, June 17, 1912

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