Friday, February 17, 2012

"Pat Buchanan’s TEN Most Outrageous Statements"

"Pat Buchanan's TEN Most Outrageous Statements"
Chris Matthews, today you spoke highly of this very sick and evil man and you owe America an apology now!

Sometimes victory comes quickly and sometimes it takes longer. In the case of Pat Buchanan, there's been literally years of organizing by progressives to draw attention to and hold him accountable for his racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic statements.

Here's the rundown on his greatest misses:

1. Wanted to close the borders to protect white dominance. As he wrote in his 2006 book State of Emergency: "If we do not get control of our borders, by 2050 Americans of European descent will be a minority in the nation their ancestors created and built."

2. Blamed lower test scores on minorities. In his most recent book Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?, he blames minorities for dragging down the country's test scores. "[T]he decline in academic test scores here at home and in international competition is likely to continue, as more and more of the children taking those tests will be African-American and Hispanic.

3. Claimed Jerry Sandusky's atrocities are because of "Homosexual marriage."Buchanan appeared on a right-wing radio show on November 15 to make some convoluted comparisons: "Let's take this Penn State thing…these horrors, there's an organization that marches in the gay pride parade in New York called—used to—called the North American Man Boy Love Association, which advocated voluntary sex along the lines of exactly what was going on at Penn State. Many of our political icons have marched in that parade right behind that NAMBLA float […] This is now, homosexual marriage is now the civil rights cause of the decade."

4. Said the Jewish population in the United States dropped in the 90s because Jews aborted all their babies. Buchanan explains that the decline in the American Jewish population during the 1990s (a decline that a Brandeis study says never occurred), "is a result of the collective decision of Jews themselves. From Betty Friedan to Gloria Steinem in the 1970s to Ruth Bader Ginsburg today, Jewish women have led the battle for abortion rights. The community followed."

5. Asserted Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people including 69 teens in Norway, "may have been right." Buchanan called Breivik a coward, evil, and cold-blooded, and then proceeded to defend his twisted rationale for the killings: "As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right."

6. Claimed that all great nations punish the gays. In a Human Events column, Buchanan attacked California's 9th Circuit Judge Vaughn Walker after his ruling of Proposition 8 as unconstitutional as a "judicial tyrant," before going on to explain that "through history, all the great religions have condemned homosexuality and all the great nations have proscribed or punished it. None ever placed homosexual liaisons on the same plane as traditional marriage, which is the bedrock institution of any healthy society.

7. Penned "The Affirmative Action Nobel." That's the title of Buchanan's October 13, 2009 column on in which he claims that President Obama's Nobel Prize was simply the result of affirmative action. And the column only got worse from there: "They have reinforced the impression that Obama is someone who is forever being given prizes — Ivy League scholarships, law review editorships, prime-time speaking slots at national conventions — he did not earn."

8. Argued that Poland and the United Kingdom had it coming in World War II.Buchanan seems to suggest in a 2009 column that World War II—and all the atrocities that accompanied it—was really the fault of Poland and Britain, for refusing to engage in diplomacy with Germany. "Why did Warsaw not negotiate with Berlin, which was hinting at an offer of compensatory territory in Slovakia? Because the Poles had a war guarantee from Britain that, should Germany attack, Britain and her empire would come to Poland's rescue."

9. Dabbled in Holocaust denial. Pat Buchanan danced alarmingly close to denying key facts of the Holocaust. In a 1990 column for the New York Post, he defended convicted Nazi war criminal Ivan Demjanjuk (whom he later compared to Jesus Christ) against charges from Holocaust survivors that he was guilty of murder by accusing the survivors of misremembering all of it: "This so-called 'Holocaust Survivor Syndrome' involves 'group fantasies of martyrdom and heroics.' Reportedly, half of the 20,000 survivor testimonies in Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem are considered 'unreliable,' not to be used in trials[…]The problem is: Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody."

10. Argued Hitler was an individual of "great courage." That's just one of the quotes that the Anti-Defamation League attributes to Buchanan in their compendium of offensive remarks from Buchanan over the years. In 1977, he qualified his labeling of Hitler as racist and anti-Semitic by adding that "he was also an individual of great courage, a soldier's soldier in the Great War, a leader steeped in the history of Europe, who possessed oratorical powers that could awe even those who despised him[…]His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path."

And since Republicans are apparently eager to reignite the divisive culture wars of the past, here's Buchanan's famous 1992 GOP Convention speech on the culture wars — a speech many believe helped cost President George H.W. Bush victory in that year's presidential election. Some of the language may be softer, but 20 years hence we still hear many of the same divisive attacks on progressive values from leading conservatives.

"This country will not be a permanently good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in."
-Teddy Roosevelt- Chicago, IL, June 17, 1912

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