Saturday, May 31, 2014

Point Reyes National Seashore!

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May 31, 2014 02:35 PM Mountain Time

Park: Point Reyes National Seashore
Project: Comprehensive Management Plan for Lands under Agricultural Lease/Permits Environmental Assessment
Document: Scoping letter with draft purpose, need and objectives attachment
Name: William Harasym
Address: 200 Smith St.
Apt. 410
City: Sheridan
State: WY
Postal Code: 82801
Email Address:
Comments: No extension of ranching leases for 20-year terms! - Existing leases should not be extended at all. Existing leases should phased out and the land restored for the benefit of wildlife, including tule elk, and the public.

No "removal" of tule elk! - The "Pastoral Zone" is owned by the public, not ranchers. Tule elk and other wildlife, not cattle, are the rightful inhabitants of the Coastal Prairie.

No more welfare for ranchers on publicly-owned land! - With the livestock and farms gone, the Coastal Prairie can be restored to much of its original beauty for wildlife and the public to enjoy.

Reasons why livestock grazing is a detriment to the seashore:

1. Ranchers were paid for their land. Starting in 1969 and thoughout the 70s, millions of dollars were paid to the ranching families on the Coastal Prairie now called "The Pastoral Zone."

2. Ranchers signed 20-year-leases, which have all expired. Soon after signing their 20 year leases ranchers hired lobbyists to take their case to Washington, D.C. so that they could keep the money, remain on the park lands in perpetuity, while continuing to pay artificially low leases.

3. Ranchers are pressuring the National Park Service to get the native tule elk "off their lands." As long as ranching remains the tule elk are in jeopardy. The true and natural "grazers" are tule elk, not cattle.

When are the wildlife going to take priority over cattlemen and their cows? How are they to own the politicians like the ranchers and cattlemen do? Protecting America's wildlife should be the #1 priority, not 2nd place or even 5th!

Thanks for your time and any consideration given us caring Americans is greatly appreciated! SAVE THE ELK!

Comment ID: 905325-58782/1709

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